TripMate helps to provide better experience for transit passengers as they navigate different locations in a city. Positive experiences draw more passengers to public transport and there by increasing revenue for transport companies. This also helps to reduce pollution and road congestion in major cities.

TripMate App provides step by step instructions and guide you continuously till you reach the destination. Above all, our app provides additional safety features for people with disabilities and elderly passengers.

Key Features

  • TripMate mobile app which acts as a Virtual Travel Assistant
  • Create trips in advance
  • Receive notifications/alerts in case of trip delays
  • Notifications at every step of the route
  • Integration with driver to assist people with disabilities
  • Option to create trips for friends / family
  • Admin app for Transit Companies


  • TAD (Transit Assistance Device) on the bus and at the bus stop
  • Mobile application
  • Driver tablet application

How it works?

  • TAD is integrated in the public bus and passengers can select the route via TripMate app.
  • This app helps in directing the passenger and provides step by step instructions.
  • Transit passengers can also know where abouts of the bus, right bus stop details and also arrival and departure bus timings
  • TAD scans when passengers board the bus and sends confirmation messages.